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Covid-19 : 82 forms

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ComCor - Study of sociodemographic factors, behaviours and practices associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection (ComCor)

Head : Fontanet Arnaud, Emerging Diseases Epidemiology Unit

Version 1


Last update : 05/07/2021

ComCor - Study of sociodemographic factors, behaviours and practices associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection (ComCor)

Head : Fontanet Arnaud, Emerging Diseases Epidemiology Unit

Main objective

Identify the sociodemographic characteristics, places frequented, and behaviours associated with a risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Inclusion criteria

All subjects:
o Adult subject
o Having agreed to take part in the study
o Index case:
o Cases identified in the COVID-19 screening information
system database, SIDEP
o With a positive test for SARS-CoV-2 by
RT-PCR on a nasopharyngeal or throat swab (or
any other sample for which current technology
indicates active infection if positive) within the past 14
o Close contact cases:
o Living in the same household (sharing the same
home) as the case having invited him/her to take part
o With a positive test for SARS-CoV-2 by RT-PCR on a nasopharyngeal or
throat swab (or any other sample for which current technology
indicates active infection if positive)
following contact with the index case
o Close contact controls:
o Living in the same household (sharing the same
home) as the case having invited him/her to take part
o With a negative test for SARS-CoV-2 by RT-PCR on a nasopharyngeal or
throat swab (or any other sample for which current technology
indicates active infection if positive)
following contact with the index case
o Distant contact controls:
o Selected by IPSOS based on criteria including age,
gender, and administrative department of residence (paired
with index cases)

Curiosa - Etude de la réponse sérologique contre le virus SARS-CoV-2 dans 2 types de personnel, hospitalier et non hospitalier, à l’Institut Curie et à l’Institut Pasteur

Head : Olivier Lantz
Thierry Rose

Version 1


Last update : 02/05/2021

Curiosa - Etude de la réponse sérologique contre le virus SARS-CoV-2 dans 2 types de personnel, hospitalier et non hospitalier, à l’Institut Curie et à l’Institut Pasteur

Head : Olivier Lantz
Thierry Rose

Main objective

L’objectif de cette étude est de constituer une sérothèque prospective permettant l’étude de la prévalence et de la qualité de la réponse immune sérologique dirigée contre le virus SARS-CoV-2 au cours de la pandémie dans une population active en dehors de tout épisode infectieux aigu par le SARS-CoV-2, le personnel de l'Institut Curie (Siège, Hôpital et Centre de Recherche) et le personnel de l’Institut Pasteur ayant potentiellement divers niveaux d'exposition.

Inclusion criteria

1) Personne, volontaire en dehors de tout épisode infectieux aigu par le SARS-CoV-2 * (cf. paragraphe indication), et en capacité d’exercer son activité professionnelle sur un des 3 sites de l’Institut Curie, Paris, Orsay ou Saint Cloud, ou sur le campus de l’Institut Pasteur.
2) Personne âgée de 18 ans ou plus.
3) Information et consentement de la personne aux procédures liées à l’étude (cf. note d’information / consentement).
4) A partir de novembre 2020, personne ayant présenté au moins un des critères suivants depuis janvier 2020 :
– Un test de diagnostic du SARS-COV-2 positif par PCR sur prélèvement naso-pharyngé ou test antigénique,
– Une sérologie SARS-CoV-2 positive,
– Une anosmie ou/et une agueusie,
– Une infection respiratoire** associée à des signes digestifs**
Pour le personnel exerçant à l’Institut Pasteur, qQuelles que soient les modalités de travail pendant le confinement. :

Personne ayant présenté au moins un des critères suivants depuis janvier 2020 :
– Un test de diagnostic du SARS-COV-2 positif par PCR sur prélèvement naso-pharyngé,
– Une sérologie SARS-CoV-2 positive,
– Une anosmie ou/et une agueusie,
– Une infection respiratoire** associée à des signes digestifs**

*Sont considérés comme volontaires ne présentant pas d'infection active par le SARS-CoV-2 au moment de l’inclusion : personnes n’ayant pas de signes cliniques** évocateurs d’une infection à SARS-CoV-2 au moment du prélèvement sanguin ou les ayant eu avec une fin des symptômes depuis plus de 7 jours.

** fièvre, fatigue, toux, gêne respiratoire, essoufflement, perte de gout ou odorat, maux de tête, courbatures, conjonctivite ou rhume, troubles digestifs (vomissement, diarrhée), que les signes aient entrainé ou non un arrêt de travail, un traitement et/ou une hospitalisation.

miniNO-COVID - Exploratory multicenter observational study to assess the outcome of infants with perinatal SARS-COV-2 infection and its link with the NO pathway: the minipuberty hypothesis

Head : STORME Laurent, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of the CHU of Lille; FHU 1000 days for health
PREVOT Vincent, Laboratory of Development and Plasticity of the Neuroendocrine Brain; Lille Neuroscience & Cognition; FHU 1000 days for health

Version 1


Last update : 02/12/2021

miniNO-COVID - Exploratory multicenter observational study to assess the outcome of infants with perinatal SARS-COV-2 infection and its link with the NO pathway: the minipuberty hypothesis

Head : STORME Laurent, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of the CHU of Lille; FHU 1000 days for health
PREVOT Vincent, Laboratory of Development and Plasticity of the Neuroendocrine Brain; Lille Neuroscience & Cognition; FHU 1000 days for health

Main objective

To compare the follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) plasma concentrations measured at the postnatal age of 3 months between the three matched (on gestational age at birth, postnatal age and respiratory failure) newborn infants groups

Inclusion criteria

o Newborn infants (24 to 41 weeks gestational age) or young infants (< 3 months) admitted at the maternity ward or at the Department of Neonatology at Jeanne de Flandre Hospital, CHU of Lille with perinatal COVID-19 infection defined by:
o Antenatal COVID-19 infection: pregnant women with positive PCR test at any time of the pregnancy;
o Post-natal COVID-19 infection: newborn or young infants (< 3 months) with positive PCR test in pharynx or stools as part of their treatment.
o Newborn infants (24 to 41 weeks gestational age) or young infants (< 3 months) admitted at the maternity ward or at the Department of Neonatology at Jeanne de Flandre Hospital, CHU of Lille for severe cardiorespiratory diseases requiring inhaled NO treatment.
o The control group without perinatal COVID-19 infection will be matched to thevtreatment group on gestational age at birth (± 2 weeks of gestation), on postnatal age (± 3 weeks) and respiratory failure.
o No inclusion in another ante- or post-natal trial;
o Written consents from both parents;

IBIS - Post-critical immunosuppression in intensive care patients - Immunity after Brain Injury Study

Head : ROQUILLY Antoine

Version 1


Last update : 04/27/2021

IBIS - Post-critical immunosuppression in intensive care patients - Immunity after Brain Injury Study

Head : ROQUILLY Antoine

Main objective

The primary objective of this cohort with biocollections is to describe the epidemiology of medical complications arising during hospitalisation in an intensive care unit

Inclusion criteria

All patients admitted to the surgical intensive care units at Nantes University Hospital, fulfilling the following
inclusion criteria:
1. Hospitalisation in intensive care > 48 hours
2. Aged over 15 years
3. Reason for hospitalisation including:
a. Severe injury with the need for
mechanical ventilation > 24 hours
b. Acute brain injury with the need for
mechanical ventilation > 24 hours
c. Septic shock

COVIPACT 2 - Psychological management of patients in the oncology context, presenting post-traumatic stress disorder in the context of the COVID-19 epidemic


Version 1


Last update : 05/03/2021

COVIPACT 2 - Psychological management of patients in the oncology context, presenting post-traumatic stress disorder in the context of the COVID-19 epidemic


Main objective

Evaluate the value of psychological management in patients with confirmed post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) related to the COVID-19 epidemic, in terms of the improvement in stress.

Inclusion criteria

- Patient ≥ 18 years
- Patient treated or followed up for a solid tumour at the François Baclesse Cancer Centre
- Patient with a high post-traumatic stress disorder score (score ≥ 33 on the IES-R scale) related to the COVID-19 epidemic
- Patient state of health compatible with implementation of the programme: psychological management for 6 months
- Information leaflet signed by the patient
- Any associated geographical, social or psychopathological condition liable to compromise the patient’s ability to take part in the study

AlgoCovid - Survey on pain and discomfort among Covid-19 patients

Head : LAFON Benoît

Version 1


Last update : 04/23/2021

AlgoCovid - Survey on pain and discomfort among Covid-19 patients

Head : LAFON Benoît

Main objective

This “Survey on pain and discomfort among Covid-19 patients” aims to develop our knowledge on acute pain in the course of the Covid-19 disease, together with pain and discomfort persisting after the acute phase of the disease

Secondary objectives:
• Determine the location and type of pain, together with pain intensity, number of different painful syndromes during and after the acute phase of the disease.
• Determine the specific prevalence of each painful syndrome identified, notably the prevalence of neuropathic pain.
• Determine the components causing residual discomfort.
• The endpoints, for each parameter measured, are the rate of positive answers in the corresponding existing sections (specific columns in the data collection table) or the rate of positive answers in the sections created during the analysis (calculation columns added, to meet objectives combining several existing sections).

Inclusion criteria

Eligibility criteria:
• Male or female adult subject (18 years or over)
• AppliSamu record stating code VIN02, VIN03 or VIN06 between 01/03 and 31/05/2020
Inclusion criteria:
• Answering the telephone call (three attempts maximum)
• Patient’s verbal agreement to a telephone interview
• Covid-19 disease confirmed by one of the following conditions:
- AppliSamu code VIN06 (= confirmed Covid-19)
- Code VIN02 or VIN03 (= suspected Covid-19) and patient confirming their positive diagnosis (by PCR, CT scan or appointment with an infectious diseases specialist)

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